Number 13:
Testing a psychic will prove their accuracy.
When a builder puts up a wall it’s to keep stuff out. If a sitter intentionally puts up a wall and if they are a very good builder, the psychic will not be able to penetrate it. Psychics, to my knowledge, are not omnipotent paranormal beings. When a psychic gives a reading it’s an energy exchange; it’s a give and take activity.
Readings are not meant to be an amusing trick though they are entertaining (hey, someone is talking about me to me!). Genuine psychics do not like to be tested because they are not magicians or trying to play tricks and they are rarely able to give an accurate reading when being tested. Psychics are not interested in matching wits or playing mind games though Mentalists are into that. Psychics want to provide seekers or sitters valuable insights that leave a sitter feeling great!
Giving false information can confuse the psychic, turn them off, and get them anxious which can leave a bad vibe. It’s a poor way of testing a psychic who has a genuine interest in helping others. Now some psychics (like through 3 of Cups) are focused on being entertainment but there’s still an etiquette to be mindful of when getting a special event reading.
When a sitter entertains themselves by tricking, confusing, or withholding while getting a reading, they are being unproductive and negative and probably shouldn’t be getting a reading from a genuine psychic. If a sitter is “worried” about giving away information rather than just getting a reading or asking questions, they do both themselves AND the reader a disservice as their energy is not open and the reader gets cloudy information. Of course, at 3 of Cups we are used to testers and many of us read very well under and enjoy those conditions but what I’m saying here is: It’s largely inappropriate and doesn’t really prove anything.
It’s hard enough to do an actual reading when someone is open let alone trying to sift through a garbage dump of psychic debris. So testing a psychic does not prove anything more than the sitter behaving in an unkind way towards another human being and themselves, this is especially so for special events when the vibe is generally to be positive and uplifting. Guests, who test psychics, can put a damp vibe on an event. So if you know you have a lot of guests who are skeptical and want to amuse themselves by testing the psychic, try a mentalist instead or let the psychic know in advance so they can decide whether that’s the environment they want to entertain within. And with that, 3 of Cups is in the process of offering Mentalists.
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